Sunday, August 22, 2010

Devolution of a republican democracy

When material enhancement is the motivating predicate for the individual and the nation, then the subsequent pursuit for cheap resources and products will force the need for the kind of expansion which only political and economic imperialism can provide. In providing that mode of utility not only is there a need for the military to be the gangster of last resort for those political strategies. The persons of that military are the indirect victims that become the fodder-troops of that geo-political extortion. The crime done to the citizens is that they become a pool for imperialist opportunism, which is the tragedy of the domestic economics. Those economics makes those civilians obliged by circumstance, volunteer recruits for the employment of last resort. They are part of a larger pool of the chronically under-employed and the unemployed.

This pool exists because the political adventures are the enablers for cheaper resources and labor for the domestic financial interests' profits. As they achieve influence and control of foreign markets so they can exploit the labor and resources, they abandon high maintenance domestic locales for the cheaper markets. The resulting dislocation of employment, income, and investment leaves these people facing a degraded standard of living, which is obligingly supplemented by being wards or parasitic drains to the state. The former will become constituent words for political entitlements or employed operatives in the fore-mentioned imperialist adventures.

With a degraded and dependent domestic workforce who face chronic unemployment, which gives the military-industrial-commercial complex a ready pool of recruits, they can engage in these adventures to undermine and topple governments which they cannot make part of their world-wide hegemony.

What was a benign republic becomes an aggrandizing, appropriator of resources and the wealth of others' nations. this is necessary to obtain and consolidate control of bigger and greater profits that can be used to influence the commercial and political markets' functionings.

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