Monday, January 16, 2023

1.16.2023 Testimonies

Video version:

'The increasing # of challenges to China's economic growth is scaring off Wall St'                   ->As if the CCP was ever going to go *ALL-IN on Neoliberalists Capitalism! There was  a burgeoning population that had been living below the poverty-line and practical expedients of opportunity were taken.

'Independent" ≠ centrist, moderate, reasonable, open-minded, nonpartisan, or much of anything'       

->  Devil's Advocacy that #Independents  are more stasis-glacial-incrementalists of non-civic, self-serving interests? Not wanting to promote or be held accountable for anything attributable that be defined as proactive intent?

'According to the study, fine particulate matter is responsible for an additional  1.5 million premature deaths each year. According to the World Health'     

->In '95-to-early '96, in the shadow of 690 that runs through the near-N/S of Syracuse 13203, I notice the ashen pallor faces on the children, as well as the cigarette smokers, and made the connection to the carbon monoxide coming off the interstate,15-20 ft above the street

'Linear probabilistic logic versus Time's discreet anomalies of diverse options'  

->Unlike our linear probabilistic thinking, the features of Time's fortunes are in the tiniest of discreet and anomalous moment's of Time's fate than our expectational presumptions of any end result

'Two-Tiered Social Privilege'  

->Futile vanity of 2nd Class Expectations of Petitioning's based on purely moral influence

Those who have power do what they please under different ruses of populism. Those without exist as the patronized heirs of selective fortune. Your wants and expectations are futile. Those whose means assure their wants are the ones who get, NOT the petitioners or complainants. Those of on-going credible operations need only their wits and the luck of moment that will overcome the machinations of deceit, dissembling, and disinformation of their times and place circumstances.

'What has voting and non-violent protests really gotten us?'

->A recalculation of activist priorities from defensive/preservative ones to accepting more radical, asymmetric strategies and tactics

' Hardly anyone is wondering what are we doing on this planet?'

->Similar to when we watch our pets  with their noses rooted to the ground, oblivious to what's happening about them. Hormonal-driven physiological mindsets that's celebrated, encouraged, trained: same as we do with our pets that are  running around in the yard with their noses to the ground

'Psychology of conscious and subconscious intentions'

->Hearing the color commentary of A. Ward-T. Bradley provided a transcendent psychology seminar on human will-beyond the 4-corners of the ring-in 'just-getting-by' and making that 'extra-conscientious-effort of exceptionality' which contributes to the castes of our fates.

'Relocating to Huntsville, AL'

->That corridor, bordering the Tennessee River and along the Alabama-Tennessee border from Muscle Shoals to Chattanooga TN could be the 'Gem Briar Patch' region for its geographical and cultural advantages to other locales in the SE

'MJ-CANNIBIS-EVIL WEED USE' [Despite the hazards of THC inebriation]

->When used in deconstructive analysis it reverse engineers the social indoctrination that enabled the premise for the Marijuana use

'Think less of good and evil as moral systems and more in terms of environmental'

->You started interesting with moralities as environmental conditions.. Then You took-the-chain, NOT just 'going off the chain..'.  Moralities, I can see as a condition. Being conditions, therefore a training. Training for what? Historical retrospectives could put lipstick-on-a-pig for coincidental offshoots not conceived by the 'malignant' moralities.