Saturday, July 18, 2015

Ascetic Monasticism


Saturday, June 13, 2015

the Consequences of the Natural Selection Mating Game

As Cassius said to Brutus in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, "The fault is not in the stars..., but in ourselves".
The choreographed algorithm of our voluntary mating choices becomes the predicate for the world as it is, since we pass on the attitudes of our mating convictions and posturings

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

No matter how poorly or badly you have lived

People are so ready to give up on themselves for the failures and missteps in their lives, but there is a greater calling than the paradigms and protocols of culture and society. It is the Cosmic quest of the soul for the logos eternity's wisdom, radiating its transmission for our realization of our purpose and function

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

So Narcisstic - Classified Ad

And they were so vain in their smug arrogance of themselves, that there was no helping them, even in the Natural miracles of Creations

Monday, April 20, 2015


The intolerance of the extremes of culture and society are in direct proportion to the smug apathy and acquiescence of those in the core-likes repulsing each other
The Renaissance Testament for preserving the minds and souls of those at the margins of 'temporal paradise'!
accepted at My PayPal site

Sunday, April 12, 2015

We DO come to hate that which was estranged by Love - Classified Ad

          That which love has made estranged, becomes inseminated as the seed
          for hate...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Being the Expression of Your Soul

By confirming your liberation in being the 'Expression of your Soul', so
that you live your will and imperative and not an others agenda, is
being the master of the sanctuary of your soul and not the abused
devotee to those persons and things lacking equal or reciprocal devotion
to you....

Being the Expression of Your Soul - Classified Ad

Your Soul, its fulfillment, and your destiny is worth infinitely more in time and quality than any accommodation for comfort, and convenience that ends up being just the spectacle distraction to where you needed to be..

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


The culture has been so degraded (including this rant and myself) by the false equivalency of importance, priorities, and entitlements, that there is a witless incomprehension of the operational fallacies and flaws that make up the definition of their patronized, pandered to a faux esteem

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Iceman cometh: End of Procrastination

Don't rely on crowd consensus for your guide and excuse of deniability, or soon or later someone's going to put something up in your face that's going to-out your denying, procratination, and happy talk about your intentions and identity

Saturday, February 21, 2015

When Hubris

With the #Great_Expectation of the vindications of History

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Being Empirically Enlightend - Classified Ad

It's not about some humanistic, anthropocentric sanctity! We are tools
of Time and Earthly history bringing the balances to the forces and
qualities in ourselves and our environs. There is no one aesthetic path
of rectitude, aka 'correctness'. There is only the passion of physical
forces playing out in the inequilibriums of the foolishness of human
arrogance and hubris...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Political Pandering to the Middle Class - Classified Ad

The pandering on 'middle class concerns' is less compassion and more dis-ingenuousness, knowing that if the sops are not given to the the restive sheep, they will go politically feral as those in St. Petersburg did in 1917, plus those in Paris in 1789

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Going from the hospice-culture using new patches on old garments - Classified Ad

As old as the proverbs of the scriptures, yet we continue to expect
better or new results using the logic and ways of the past that limit us
and hold us back. Heretics live in the 5th Column amongst us to prod
to that new fabric of relations and their resulting perceptions

Sunday, January 25, 2015

On being the 'Vanguard'

Those who seek change must realize that THEY, who envisions, must also be the manifestation of the change, first, if they desire to have that change take root and not be a breeze of fad and fancy---