Friday, September 3, 2010

Anonymously under the radar of the melodramas of mundane temporality

Anonymously under the radar of the melodramas of mundane temporality

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Devolution of a republican democracy

When material enhancement is the motivating predicate for the individual and the nation, then the subsequent pursuit for cheap resources and products will force the need for the kind of expansion which only political and economic imperialism can provide. In providing that mode of utility not only is there a need for the military to be the gangster of last resort for those political strategies. The persons of that military are the indirect victims that become the fodder-troops of that geo-political extortion. The crime done to the citizens is that they become a pool for imperialist opportunism, which is the tragedy of the domestic economics. Those economics makes those civilians obliged by circumstance, volunteer recruits for the employment of last resort. They are part of a larger pool of the chronically under-employed and the unemployed.

This pool exists because the political adventures are the enablers for cheaper resources and labor for the domestic financial interests' profits. As they achieve influence and control of foreign markets so they can exploit the labor and resources, they abandon high maintenance domestic locales for the cheaper markets. The resulting dislocation of employment, income, and investment leaves these people facing a degraded standard of living, which is obligingly supplemented by being wards or parasitic drains to the state. The former will become constituent words for political entitlements or employed operatives in the fore-mentioned imperialist adventures.

With a degraded and dependent domestic workforce who face chronic unemployment, which gives the military-industrial-commercial complex a ready pool of recruits, they can engage in these adventures to undermine and topple governments which they cannot make part of their world-wide hegemony.

What was a benign republic becomes an aggrandizing, appropriator of resources and the wealth of others' nations. this is necessary to obtain and consolidate control of bigger and greater profits that can be used to influence the commercial and political markets' functionings.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Spontaneous combustion or flash point oxidation

In the course of human events....

There becomes a moment when a junction of experience and opportunity meet.. we've heard the homily when preparation meets opportunity. In this case its insight meeting opportunity, not just some mechanistic knowledge. The 'opportunity' to which i'm alluding is the bonding affects of solidarity. That solidarity is a shared mindset, an attitude. The indirect affects of our joint remote actions create atmospherics that allow positive (AND frustrate negative actions0 by the same mantra of consensus which is determinative in this present equation of relationships.

At the moment of spontaneous combustion, the polar forces of mentality become so great that a kinetic reaction precipitates. It is an irresistible force of compulsion. This time, one's progression along the journey of celebrating the empathetic sympathies of knowledge and the immediate visceral moment of opportunity have created a culture of thinking in which the unorthodox and the ingenuity of necessity creates a positive result.

I was fortunate enough to have associations in college and in the military with a kaleidoscope group of iconoclasts. Our passion for celebrating (the 'Lightside') rather than brooding in a ('Darkside') woulda, coulda, shoulda mode of blame and guilt created an irrepressible atmosphere of personal liberation for others caught up in what was thought to be the dominant consensus. The unintended sparks could be just an idea from an attitude that has found its birthing moment in a serendipitous opportunity. But this state cannot be fabricated, only arrived at-like fate bringing me kicking and screaming to my 'Oh Yeah! Nevermind the former bitching' moment.

Oxidation and Combustion to Evolution and Revolution

We face a choice of process. We can be like oxidizing and reducing agents and look and do it evolutionary. OR we can be more combustible and do it by the more violent revolutionary means. This is the spectrum of change we have as our options. The more combustible-revolutionary mode would be seeking, primarily to change someone else. While the more reductive-evolutionary mode would be a change in ourselves-over time- that would have its effects on others, directly and indirectly without as much obligatory coercion of force and violence.

I see political activism, either within the system or alternative dissident actions, as a more active to combustible mode, since our acts are meant to make changes in others for our accommodation-self-righteously thought.

What I am promoting would be a long term evolution in your mental and physical culture. Admittedly during this long term, the abuses and offenses that would have inspired you to more combustible and revolutionary changes will be ongoing. But you will have the opportunities in the process of your evolution to do the incidental kinetic act that is within your organic development and its physical proximity.

I am asking you to consider the 'meta-kinetic' and 'kinetic' change in the culture of your own 'be'-ing. That change in yourself would be the focal point for you being the energy source for others' changes and transformation in their own chemistry of inner metamorphosing. You can make the changes in yourself and be the meta-chemical-physic 'star' of your solar system of phenomenological events that would in conjunction with other systems in your galaxy of contacts and the universal dynamics of those relationships be the change you would believe in because it is the change that is YOU.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Short hand of the cognitive observations

Don't look for the commercially palatable and approved verbal forms.. I don't have the time or the patience to BEGIN to elucidate the short-hand jargon I use to give a substitute for an in-depth description of the architecture that is in its own evolving morphing.. It's better than an alien growing organically from the core of my soul.

It's a hunch that is mostly feeling. The feeling, when intense, does its own impregnation of the subconscious, aka 'Self'. Self sends out the transmission in a symbolic, metaphoric dream, or an explicit command, imperative-ala the 17 Aug 70 'epiphany'. Since my more congruent, maniacdom with Self, the dreams are the mode of transmission-though an red flag alert of profane expressions are sent for the more provocative stimuli. As the dreams reach the level of some articulation, I spew them through this keyboard.

Though socially and culturally indoctrinated in arguments of logic, the dream phenomena has produced the rabbit-hole of adventures, where not even the Devil would care to tread-thereby the nom de plume, 'LucifersHeretic'. It is the experience of the coincidences, serendipities, and synchronicities of being the vessel directed through a gauntlet of improbable adventures, that one day I just turned around and mused about the twists and turns of fate and see the method of the madness..

The meaning of the madness, YOU get. If the shit is that alien and too dense for absorption and digestion, Oh well! Live long in your form of bliss.

As is alluded to in both the Bhagavad Gita and the Futuh el Ghaib, even the most obscure and unorthodox life is better lived than living the agenda that is not yours. If you are the genuine product of your soul, travel well in and with it. If you are an amalgam of externalities grafted on to your articulations for some social accommodation or cultural mimicry, then I would say you are setting yourself up for the existential predations of events and people to be the unwitting curse you have chosen.

Friday, June 4, 2010

'Self' as the socializer

The one thing that is and was determinative to my identity and being was being left to my 'Self'. Self was my main, and mostly, sole companion as a toddler and pre-schooler. Having stair-step elder sisters and a stair-step, 3-year, younger sister facilitated the occurrence by the gender acculturation on us kids. My elder sisters were culturally and socially being sucked into girl/female identities. My younger sister was a pre-articulate toddler.

I had months of time by myself, since my nature and behavior required little monitoring and attentiveness by my mother and others, BECAUSE I was pre-occupied with 'Self'-interaction. This interaction was the surrogate for regular socialization with my age contemporaries. The 'relationship' I developed with my 'Self' became so intensive that not only a social mores expectation was implicitly made, but the focus of the attention was unique to my limited physical realm and the imagination that percolated from my subconscious. The percolation from the subconscious was symbols, mostly. Those symbols were the pre-articulate forms with which I 'played'. In that play and pre-cognition of awareness I had my own self-acculturation with my temporality.

The vocabulary, linguistic forms of expressions and sayings were an unique, idiosyncratic addendum to what was occurring with my carnal associations of family, relatives, and other social associations. It would not be until I entered kindergarten that I experienced the shocking contrast and needed adaptiveness and flexibility to the external social world. The distinguishment between the external social world and the inner world I had nourished would remain. The distinction between the external social mores of people and my internal relationship with 'Self' would blur under the layers of formal and informal social indoctrination. The serendipity of events, partially effected by the increasing contention between me and the social rules, would bring me back to the solitude with 'Self'. That re-acquaintance would be an involuntary reunion of discomfort due to the emotional distance that had been engendered by my involvement with the social forces of relationships-obligatory and elective. The reunion gave me an appreciation of my-'Self' that had been forgotten and taken for granted in the acculturation of getting-on and getting along in school and with people, in general.

The introspective thought-life induced by my drug intoxications of 1969-1971 unfettered the self as THE virtuous, consistent, and friendly be-ing in my consciousness. That relationship would be reinforced by the events of college, armed services induction obligated by my low draft-number-#36. The relationship would be intensified by the occult factors of coincidence that were part and definers of the experiences during the post-high school and beyond family in the freedom that college and the required military enlistment that allowed for the expanded latitude of my conception and very, esoteric, and idiosyncratic articulating forms of my perception of that on-going experience.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cultivating Resonance

As sensing transmitters, we send out the energy of our thoughts and feelings. Those who are able to generate the intensity of feelings and thought, even subconsciously, provide others with a cognitive signal for judging their own emotional and mental juxtaposition. The emotions and feelings are more than a utilitarian device for mating and procreation, but it serves the broader purpose of giving new portals of possibility to live.

A feeling MUTUALLY shared is from the sensing of each others' visceral excitation being radiated out in those intense amplitudes of frequency between the two of you. It is a reflection of your attitudes to the present moment and the anticipated future.

Your particular experiences may have derived different perspectives and definitions. They should be seen as tangent coincidentals, and not obstructions. It could be limiting. Yet, within those limits are metaphysical and metaphorical inspirations for other collateral possibilities.

You must dare to penetrate those intangible barriers and even violate the 'rules of conventions' to bring alternative options to viewing those sensations being jointly felt.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wading through the Goody-goody drama

Such sheep, bleeting on mental cue; shuddering at whatever abstracted fear they are fed. They look at themselves as "the good", "the flock". In fact, they are the manipulated of consensus. They are so conformed that non-conformity is incomprehensible. Their conformity is part of a social cowardice in which the constituents homogenize themselves so not to stand out and be the object of negative scrutiny. They have long sought refuge in the acceptance of others so not to be of those numbered on the margins. Inspite of their moral timidity, they find strength in being part of this scared flock of the fearing and the fear-mongerers. They as individuals and as a group are more dangerous than the subjects of their purely abstracted fears that are based on their conformity of individual moral neuterings.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Beyond the bubble of Sentiment

Or was it not being held and living through the angsts of insecurities? Sounds like something closer to the life's story. If there is seemingly never the external comforting affirmation, then what do you do. Give up or push on?

For those things that became a priority and imperative you pushed on, even to the point of feeling-if not for the alternatives-that you're on a "fool's errand". The physical, intellectual, or emotional embracing that was NOT part of my upbringing eventually becomes part of the regimen of discipline of doing without in being without. What was conspicuous by its absence becomes the forger of character and purpose.

That which was and is repudiated in you by others, becomes the "Cause celebre". That irrepressible aesthetic which status and privilege did NOT have to engage, by choice, became the siren call for your narrative. Because that call was kept stored away, husbanded, and planted in the recesses of your thoughts it found its moment, meaning and purpose as events unfolded.

I exist now in an anonymity I was trained to disdain and avoid. But in this anonymity I have found my humanity and peace of integrity. I did not sell-out "my lying eyes", my dreams, my gut instincts. I may have strayed, but never so far that I was not able to find my way back or learn to know what would become the evermore desirable way.

This is a struggle with principalities and their tangible manisfestations in the pettiness, provinciality, and mandarin-orthodoxy of men. It is an improbable and incredible narrative that could never be told to anyone but the few who have crossed or walked along this path. No matter what is presented as a mundane or reductionist description
of this journey, it is one that in its living, not its analysis would you know, beable to comprehend, or conceive of it.

Was I mad(e) for this life or was this life mad(e) for me? Temporally and mundanely, I'd have to admit that I was and AM mad at this life, BECAUSE this life seems to be mad at ME. Having said that, I may have been made, even commissioned, for this life. Having been temporally the estranged from the preferences and aesthetics of my contemporaries, there has been, mostly, and acknowledged tolerance, and a utilitarian, materialistic pragmatism to my participation. It was that way because, it was the only game indoctrinated into my training and ~learning~.

As events unfolded, I became aware of being not just a witness of a poetic, sublime, judgment, but the sign and marker of its advent-though the subjects of the judgement never knew it was happening because they were deaf, dumb, and blind by the hubris of their own temporal or secular smugness.

Being an existential instrument with no-to-little social or economic standing provides a surreal view of life. It's like watching yourself in a dream. It's you the shell, but not you the consciousness or emotion. Whatever sentiment that I have is for an operational and existential objective for a more sublime, supra-temporal point.

I am the portal and instrument or an idea of another paradigm from another dimension. Like being a fetus dropped from some metaphysical, "Mothership", placenta. I've been planted (incarnated) within the forms, morphology of the environment. Yet, I'm expected to innately and intuitively synthesize the phenomenology of the data to come to the correct perception of my identity, purpose, and function as the cosmic visitation.

Relationships are for more that the social by-products of the sentiments that are exchanged. They are the lesson plans that provide the context for me to distinguish what is fertile to follow or sterile to ignore for my metamorphing of transcendence.

The energy levels felt with some persons are greater. The more we respond to those energies being transmitted back and forth between us, the more I learn of the affects upon me and the effects I can generate.

Freedom, for its own sake, is the purpose. In freedom there is the limitless of options and opportunity. In the limitless of options and opportunities one sees also the feasibility with in the space and time frame of an interaction. "It is what it is" takes me beyond over-indulged sentiment to what can be done tangibly, which itself is the incidental by-product of what I have been able to conceive as possible.

It is in the conception and recreation that I provide portals for my own consciousness and associations of thoughts for myself, and the pollenation for other's to go beyond the shell of their immediate stasis to an alternative vision for their identity and actions.

Being beyond the bubble is recognizing that the fetishness with one's anthropormorhic state is a vain, narcisstic distraction. I may share this form with an abundant multitude of other's, but my purpose and commission does not and IS not dependent or defined by the doings of anthropormorhic culture. My purpose and commission is to the meaning I get from the metaphors of all phenomena I am able to associate and synthesize new insights that bring me closer to a new testament and convenant with the "life" of sentient existence.

(All gratuities are appreciatively accepted at account, "Cosmic Delites".