Sunday, April 28, 2024



Metaphoric reality of Hegel's 'Historic Dynamic' logos is an animating force! Phenomenology of events are birthing from the inseminated and gestating conditions of the past. Those clinging to the anachronisms, mega-to-nano, of the past will encounter the immovable 'iceberg of time' on their ship-of-fools cruise of denial.

Liberation, as an active attitude of performance, is the necessary precondition for freedom. Anything less is escapist indulgence. Such escapism is dis-empowering to you, the actor of those mental or kinetic expressions of escapism. Escapism on a cultural political level produces an equivalent indulgence to their drug-self-medicating abuse of the 60's and 70's. The few are left in the rhetorical wilderness or as misanthropes in the geological wilderness.

As much as the latter is tempting, being a 'Jeremiah' about the general cannibalistic thinking that drives mechanistic intellectualism (versus reflexive intellectualism of banal mundanity) is the PSA-ethics and morality in which I operate. Perhaps, 'I-AM' is channeling through me from that ethos, as I stay in sympathetic, asymptotic congruence with that channel port. I'm beginning to think and believe there's an empathy-compassion frequency (with its margins) that shouldn't be transgressed too frequently or at an out-of-touch range..

My notion is based on a rationale for the favorable synchronistic and serendipitous events that have mercifully favored me, despite any moral bona fides on my part. What we take as that sensation of sexual attraction is the recognition of the universal [aka, cosmic] energy that's been vitalized by what we've reactively generated by our interaction in which we've engaged.

Our personal and public archivist memorandum is the testimony we allow Time to treasure for the posterity as a judgement for what was of substance and what was just a part of the 'Babeling din-of-noise' being proliferated from the viscerally derived short-shortsightedness manifestations of others conditioning.


Sunday, August 20, 2023

For the ties that bind

 Where do I begin with these ties that bind us two now (<<-video link)

It culminates with you. I guess my 7th grade class and Betsy Lindemere

Funny thing was that my father knw her father long before I met here, though I may have met her at a reception at her father's church 4-years before we'd end up in the same 7th grade class. In that class, she teased me and sent a note daring me to say something romantic. I was tongue tied. Funny how 'self' will give me the answers to posed questions. Whatever I wrote, it had her blushing and turning pink. I had an idea of the effect of those words, but they were mostly canned phrases I probably heard on TV and pulled them out of my ass for that request..

Flash forward 10 years to my junior year in college, the girl at the school bookstore gave me a note with her phone number on it, asking me to call her. When I called she also asked me to tell her what I'd do to her in such-n-such a situation. Pam Norris was her name. Actuall I'm getting ahead of myself. A girl I met at a Black student dance came up to see me from her school n/o Philadelphia. We were relaxing in bed talking, and whatever I was saying got her excited enough to cream in her pants. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I'D JUST ACCOMPLISHD, solely with words.  It was the same way 2 years later with Pam Norris. I was just pulling stuff out of thin air to say anything, but I must have said the right things for the 3-times she called, she'd hang up in a rush.  The beginning of my senior year, she called again, this time I was mentally ready with an archived set of thoughts that I gave to her. That got her to set up a date to come rto see me..

2-years later iwas on X-Mas leave from Army training and my mother asked me to accompany her to her annaul xmas Cotillion. I went in my Dress Greens that I had to wear when traveling, but they were a hit with her friends, one of whom said, 'Well Hello, Merli!'.  I was somewhat shocked by the tone but it began to open my eyes that women weren't the pedestals of virtue we men ahd to protect.

21 or so years later in Richmond Virginia theree was a chat line that you could call and engage others on there. At first I was 'gentlemanly' and got blown off the line with derision. I came back with Bitch this and Bitch that, and I'll do this and that, and I was getting the same reaction that Betsy, Pam Norris and Pam Bennet {the girl, who came to visit me from Philly]. These women were getting my number and calling me up or some stuff.

It was with that and other things that revealed the sensual erotic desires of women were as strong or not stronger than men, that was the first piece of the puzzle of having visceral resonance with any woman exhibiting that availability.

Monday, January 16, 2023

1.16.2023 Testimonies

Video version:

'The increasing # of challenges to China's economic growth is scaring off Wall St'                   ->As if the CCP was ever going to go *ALL-IN on Neoliberalists Capitalism! There was  a burgeoning population that had been living below the poverty-line and practical expedients of opportunity were taken.

'Independent" ≠ centrist, moderate, reasonable, open-minded, nonpartisan, or much of anything'       

->  Devil's Advocacy that #Independents  are more stasis-glacial-incrementalists of non-civic, self-serving interests? Not wanting to promote or be held accountable for anything attributable that be defined as proactive intent?

'According to the study, fine particulate matter is responsible for an additional  1.5 million premature deaths each year. According to the World Health'     

->In '95-to-early '96, in the shadow of 690 that runs through the near-N/S of Syracuse 13203, I notice the ashen pallor faces on the children, as well as the cigarette smokers, and made the connection to the carbon monoxide coming off the interstate,15-20 ft above the street

'Linear probabilistic logic versus Time's discreet anomalies of diverse options'  

->Unlike our linear probabilistic thinking, the features of Time's fortunes are in the tiniest of discreet and anomalous moment's of Time's fate than our expectational presumptions of any end result

'Two-Tiered Social Privilege'  

->Futile vanity of 2nd Class Expectations of Petitioning's based on purely moral influence

Those who have power do what they please under different ruses of populism. Those without exist as the patronized heirs of selective fortune. Your wants and expectations are futile. Those whose means assure their wants are the ones who get, NOT the petitioners or complainants. Those of on-going credible operations need only their wits and the luck of moment that will overcome the machinations of deceit, dissembling, and disinformation of their times and place circumstances.

'What has voting and non-violent protests really gotten us?'

->A recalculation of activist priorities from defensive/preservative ones to accepting more radical, asymmetric strategies and tactics

' Hardly anyone is wondering what are we doing on this planet?'

->Similar to when we watch our pets  with their noses rooted to the ground, oblivious to what's happening about them. Hormonal-driven physiological mindsets that's celebrated, encouraged, trained: same as we do with our pets that are  running around in the yard with their noses to the ground

'Psychology of conscious and subconscious intentions'

->Hearing the color commentary of A. Ward-T. Bradley provided a transcendent psychology seminar on human will-beyond the 4-corners of the ring-in 'just-getting-by' and making that 'extra-conscientious-effort of exceptionality' which contributes to the castes of our fates.

'Relocating to Huntsville, AL'

->That corridor, bordering the Tennessee River and along the Alabama-Tennessee border from Muscle Shoals to Chattanooga TN could be the 'Gem Briar Patch' region for its geographical and cultural advantages to other locales in the SE

'MJ-CANNIBIS-EVIL WEED USE' [Despite the hazards of THC inebriation]

->When used in deconstructive analysis it reverse engineers the social indoctrination that enabled the premise for the Marijuana use

'Think less of good and evil as moral systems and more in terms of environmental'

->You started interesting with moralities as environmental conditions.. Then You took-the-chain, NOT just 'going off the chain..'.  Moralities, I can see as a condition. Being conditions, therefore a training. Training for what? Historical retrospectives could put lipstick-on-a-pig for coincidental offshoots not conceived by the 'malignant' moralities.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Latter-Day edifices of our 'Towers of Babel'



Latter-Day edifices of our 'Towers of Babel'

Who's to say that our modern-day communication towers of vanity are not latter-day facsimiles of THE Tower of Babel

 Tower of Babel - Wikipedia.

Our culture's are so fetishly obsessed with the subjective vanity of their own sound-n-fury of parlance that what was written in the 100th Psalm is exhorting no more than the

Psalm 100: 1&2 1 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 2 Serve  the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with… | Psalms, Psalm 100,  Serve the lord 

 harmonious manifestations of dynamic symbiosis and synergy for the altruistic and holistic state of creation. It's not meant as the self-serving flattery of our individual and group egos. The very acts of tribute to the ethical morality of the moment are the sounds for which we come to 'Creation's Altar' in the metaphorical hymns of reverence and thanks.

In our materialistic indulgence of satiation we forget that We are the creation and not the role and title we seem to aspire as the creators who may manufacture their existence by the fial of our whimsicality.

We seek the domains that are Nature's without even giving heed for any 'thanks' due to its establishing creational origins. For this negligence of self-aggrandizing, specie-hubris we are paying the fearsome price in the costs of destruction we've done and are doing to our environs, to each other, and in the most notable blind-spot of all, the self-abuse to our mind-body-and-soul. 

Because we have committed these existential crimes, the very content as well as the form of intellectual commerce reflects the short and long term corruption of quantity and its extensive and insidious quantity that we've sickeningly infected others and ourselves with the distorted myopia of what we see and define as good. That 'good' is a bastardized and cannibalized prostitution of the original forms of the bio-geo-sphere. The means by which we seek to develop it and the ends with which we apply it in the arrogance of our so-called 'greater good' is a wanton, reckless collateral maimer and killer of the defenseless and innocents, plus the operator instruments of this collateral killing.

Until we adopt what the Islamist refer to as "submission", but not to the bastardized fiat authority of humans. It would be to the humble harmonies of and within Creation's bio-geospheric cycles. It would be what in Zen Buddhism is 'Oneness"-Those experiences of
 the unity of life sees  their own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on
 everything with an impartial eye. — Buddha 


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Not wasting this post on theDiascussion forums provincially myopics


Peace in Our Time 

Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, Mussolini, and Count Ciano  

Now he, Chamberlai, is presented as pathetic and forlorn, standing on a wet dreary runway waving a soggy piece of paper signed by Herr Hitler that guaranteed nothing at all. The larger tragedy was the mistaken assumption that any conciliatory diplomacy like this would inevitably and automatically lead to Armageddon as it did in 1939. In principle The Domino Theory was based on Munich. Fifty thousand American dead and three million Korean dead followed because of it. Then came ten years of slaughter in Vietnam. Dominican Republic, Lebanon, Panama, Granada, Haiti, Serbia, Kuwait, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Ukraine; there is no end in sight.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Some fates are deserved

Some fates are deserved!!

It’s a shame, but it’s an inevitability for the algorithm of attitude they’ve have chosen-more willfully wittingly,than involuntarily unwittingly.
Hubris is a blinding Bitch that enchants the vanities of the ego. It’s a blindness, more blinders or blindfold for the protagonists. They knew it, and pridefully chose it. Nothing could dissuade them, and everything appeared to them to encourage them.

The tragedy is not in their wasted and lost lives, but the effects it had on others leading up to the tragedy. They were a cosmic wound that Time in its inexorable balance of accounts in karmic equity finally healed to end the collateral suffering of the connected networked systems associated and attached to them.

Heretical Karma