Other than unimaginable suffering 'Bump-Kin' [reply by the< Pi-edPiper > 2024-08-07 06:31] for the parents and child: What is the reason for baby cancer?
I often mention the trope of the 'hour-glass of actuarial schedule' being intervened by the dropping of the extra-dimensional 'roulette wheel ball'. It contradicts the notion of an omnipotent, omniscient deity ethos held in the Abrahamic religions and the derived cultural notions of 'the pursuit [and enjoyment] of happiness'.
From personal knowledge and from 3rd person accounts, unimaginable misery and death is about us and occurring at this very moment and from time immemorial. For such things like 'baby cancer', where there's not any prime factor beyond Fate, I demystify fate to an algorithmic dynamic that imposes itself into our spatial dimension in its contrary-state-of-order presence. Those most susceptible and vulnerable to its substance are affected by whatever adverse-to-morbid state: accelerated hour-glass emptying to the sudden drop of the roulette wheel ball.
For those that grieve, as victims: there's little-to-no solace that can be said or done for them. It's a reminder to we
witnesses of this terrible spectacle of the preciousness
of life and the urgency that should be accorded it.
Having proclaimed that, I'm not a disciple or acolyte to the nihilist, 'absolute -futility' notion of the vanity in seeking a meaningful orientation to existence, that's a challenge to the spirit of our sentience. Nothing is entitled, nothing should be taken-for-granted.
Agony, though one of the last experiences anyone would intentionally seek, it’s a major 'playa' in existence and we must give reverence to it and to whom it envelopes as its victim-For whom the bell tolls is a prologue to our own carnal arrogant hubris of entitled 'great expectations.
...A reality lost to the hubris of this forum.
Yet, even my linguistic syntax provides a superficial veneer to the nebulous: not fully described, let alone beheld, optically.
The words of the gospel, 'Render unto Caesar what is Caesar, and unto God what is God's' can be semantically rephrased to say 'the existence that's owed to the temporal dimensions and the
existence that's owed to your sui generis imperative are bi-polar experiences. We're raised in the indoctrination of one, until its inconsistencies for us become rips in its fabric of credibility.
What the contemporaneous offers as rewards and what we, as individuals, value can be two mutually exclusive aesthetics, for which there's little accommodation and reconciliation between the two. A Second Enlightenment Renaissance is emerging
from the cocoon it entered in its 20th Century Modernity. Call the past century the mechanical logic era, in which a direct
line could be drawn from the 'effect' back to the 'primary cause'.
I see what I call the 'quantum era' where the mechanics processes exist as compound derivatives of exponated degrees. That compounding has created a cast of castes consciousness, culturally.
Those cultures exist for different means and ends. When one is unmoored from what were the previous standards to the point that it can feasibly conceive the credibility of another perspective, then the reason for one's existence and operations engages another dimension of phenomena of importance.
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