Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dark Angels - Classified Ad

Life chooses us, above and beyond any of our aspirations-
to the contrary

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The equating of Gold and Bit-coins - Classified Ad

The lust of materialism and the pursuits of its trappings is a fool's gold and a fool's mental gymnastics to have that which exists at our fingertips. They who are enamored and dedicated to this, and they who provide the social architecture for its motivation and maintenance will exist in the endless cycles of this dimension. While those who learn of the energy in the dimensions of the soul will have the power of the universe at their finger-tips.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The cognitions of our language - Classified Ad

We enchant ourselves by the mantric repetition of them as 'the given' phenomena of presumed consensus.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Soul Yearnings and Aspirations - Classified Ad

Soul Yearnings and Aspirations - Classified Ad

Soul yearnings and aspirations: the life long illusion played out in delusions of  an abstract moment