Such a marvelous pose of vulnerability. I'm
wanting more than lifting up that pullover to
expose the gateway into your emotional
sensitivities I want you to experience the sliding
friction of my penetration as its entry is greeted
by the involuntary reflexes of your aroused and
impassioned flesh. As your body is rubbing,
sweatingly compressed with mine. You revel in
the feeling the tactile friction of my penile
exploring, penetrating intentions,
that now communicate to you in a spine-tingling
clarity at the open gateway orifices of your vessel.
The union we have is the communion our souls
drunkenly imbibe in this satiating the unexplored
hungers of the sexual joys we feel at your hardened,
erect nipples as my palm-filling phallic weapon
I have pointed at your vulva gates-a 'snatch robber'
of your modesty and virtue
With my vaginal impaling meat weapon I'm rubbing in my hand